Friday, January 15, 2010

Come Visit Chillida's favourite place!

Chillida Leku is museum made in memory of the sculptor Eduardo Chillida. It's located in Hernani. The museum includes a collection of his wonderful 40 sculptures displayed in a large garden near forests and it includes a refurbished traditional farmhouse. All the sculptures displayed in the garden are made of iron and granite, some are large other small, summarising, there are all of kinds. Inside the farmhouse we can enjoy the most delicate sculptures, most of them are made with wood and other fine materials. For Chillida the nature was the involved and the condition of his posibility.  The museum offers a frame to the elements of rain, soil, light and air.

Eduardo Chillida was born in january, 10th of 1924. When he was 18 years old in 1942, he started with his studies. In a few years, he  decided to leave to quit architecture to play football. After a knee fracture, he become a sculptor. During his life Chillida won many awards.

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