Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas in different countries
Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, is celebrated in many different ways around the world. Each country has its own customs. Today I would like to write a few lines about interesting and surprising facts I found about Christmas while surfing the net.

In Australia they never enjoy a 'white Christmas' because the festivity is celebrated during the summer season; so Australians often go to the beach on Christmas day. Amazing!. Generally, Christmas is celebrated in families often travel great distances to be together. A traditional meal is a turkey dinner, with ham, and pork; families enjoy their day by having a picnic. If they are at home, the day is celebrated by swimming in a pool, playing Cricket out the backyard, and other outdoor activities.

In the USA there are very different ways of celebrating Christmas. In Alaska for example children go door to door carrying a flashlight and a large star, singing carols and  inviting everyone over to dinner. In Washington the presindent lights a huge Christmas tree. In California, Santa Claus moves in a surf board. USA is a very large country so it is not surprising to find different customs from coast to coast. In America the typical dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and sauces.

In Russia Christmas wasn't celebrated very much because it was a Communist country. They only used to celebrate 7th of January. That is slowly changing, though. In Russia, many people don’t eat meat, eggs or milk for a few weeks before Christmas. Christmas are usually 'white' in Russia,  not like Australia. Snow covers everything and the temperatures are always below zero, so if you want to go to Russia you will have to wrap up in warm clothes!

In Venezuela Christmas is celebrated with a series of religious and traditional customs. The say that kings kiss them when they are asleep. They explode firecrackers for awakening the worshippers. Families attend church and then they go to home for a huge dinner. Music is very important in the celebrations. During Christmas the inside and outside of houses are decorated with electric lights and also many people put the tree in front of the door. I recomend you to see the streets of this country, it's very nice!

Well, there are as many traditions as countries; but Christmas is ALWAYS a time to wish people the best. I will do the same.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What are the two inventions that have contributed most to make our lives easier?

Hi friends:

Our teacher said that we have to do another article and she gave us for options. I thought, and finally I chose the following option that says: What are the two inventions that have contributed most to make our lives easier? I think that the two inventions that have contributed my live easier are the computer and the electricity.

The computer was invented by the inventor Charles Babbage. It is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions. From my point of view, this invention is the best, because with the computer I can make my life easier, chatting with my friends, seeing videos for example of 'Fama', get information, gossip, play, hear music, .... some people don't know how it works but I recommend that you learn, because it's useful for a lot of things. Most people have a minimum of one computer in the house, a lot of people need to work; for example the teachers, the students of the university... The cash machines also have a computer inside, or the ipods or the psp, the play station, XBOX... So we need the computer for many things and for this reason,in my opinion it is like one of our organs.

The electricity is also a very important invention. Benjamin Franklin invented the electricity in the 18Th century. If we didn't have electricity, we could not do many things. We need for the kitchen, for electrical appliances, the light, to see the television... they are so many that I can't say them all and I need to work with them. Almost, all appliances that we use work with electricity.

The computer is important but if we didn't have electricity, the computer wouldn't work. So if the electricity is cut, we can't do many things for this reason, it's recommendable to have some candles or flashlights.

Which are the best inventions in your opinion? Please leave a comment with your opinion.

I hope that you like my article


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the description of my friend

Hello friends:

This is an article that describes my friend. The friend that I have worked on is YM, he is 15 years old and he is my friend of ICTs. He likes this subject. He studies in Lakorain Ikastola, DBH4 but he doesn’t like to come.

His favourite colours are blue and green.
He likes parkour, it is his way of living, but he doesn’t think that it’s a sport and his favourite sport is the snow board. His leisure activity are the festivals. He likes to watch the Simpsons, navigating in Tuenti and Youtube, going out at night and he prefers winter to summer. In kilometroak he had a good time and he enjoyed very much.

He doesn't like waching Fama, a television program, but he likes the girls that appear there, he told me that they are UFFFF!!. He likes dancing, but when he is with a couple of drinks, better. His aim is to live his own life, travel a lot and have a good experience.

I hope that you like it

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Is nature in danger?

Nowadays nature is very endangered because of pollution, deforestation, endangered species, global warming... for this reason we have to have information about this.

Pollution: this factor causes instability, disorder, dirt, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem. The pollution happens not only on the land, but also in the oceans because of ships that transport oil and sometimes  have accidents. On the land the main causes of pollution are industry, transport... and also we are a factor of pollution.

Around me there are a lot of cars and for this reason on the 25th of September in my town, Tolosa, they organized an activity called 'Stop Auto'. I was there and in my opinion it was very good, the children of 14  led cars made of cardboard, others went by bike, by scooter and walking.

It's not easy to breathe  clean air and it's recommendable to go to the mountain to breathe  clean air. But nowadays, there is a bigger problem of deforestation and so the forests are disappearing.

Deforestation: it is the overcutting of trees. One of the consequences of this is soil erosion. The result is the damage of the land. For example, when they cut trees to make paper, it causes a lot of effects: for example, the climate change, this is very important and it's happening in a lot of places. Another effect is that there is less biodiversity, so the carbone dioxide is not removed.

Endangered species: there are a lot of animals that are disappearing. The main cause is the habitat destruction, our planet is changing and the animals can't adapt so they die and there are some more causes. So we have to help them by protecting their habitats permanently in national parks or by removing weeds and planting local native species in their place.

Global warming: the temperature of the world is increasing. The icebergs of the Artic are melting and we can't continue like this so we must take measures, otherwise the sea's level is going to go up. The air around the earth is contaminated  and the sun rays don't get out, for this reason occurs the global warming.

As a conclusion, we should recycle more, go by bus instead of  by car, we shouldn't use sprays... in this way we will contribute to save the planet and have a better life for all.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hello readers!!

I am Maddi Garikano, the student of the Laskorain Ikastola.
I am 15 years old and I'm from DBH4. We have done this blog in the class of the ICTs (information and comunication technology).

We have this subject 3 days a week. In the first class we learned to do the gmail account and in the third to do a blog.
Thank you for visiting my blog.